A few months ago we launched the e-mail newsletter cur8te – a weekly curated list of eight things you need watch, listen to, make, read, use or play.
Each list is broken down by a classic movie, newer movie, classic album, newer album, drink recipe, food recipe, TV/streaming recommendation and then a random pick, which could be a podcast, website, book, game, product, etc.
We are now sixteen e-mail newsletters in as of this writing and each one has been unique in its own way. Some are themed, like our Star Wars and real estate ones, and some are just random picks of things we’re enjoying that week. We’ve also had guest curators, including filmmaker Sean Cisterna.
You can get a taste of what cur8te is all about on our archive page and you can subscribe at cur8te.com (we only send one newsletter a week on Thursdays and we will never spam you).
If you have any feedback on how we can make the e-mail newsletter better, want to be a guest curator, or are interested in sponsoring an upcoming newsletter, reach out to us at info@cur8te.com.